Category Archives: Sport

Dear Mitch Clark

Mate, nothing I say, will make the depression go away. I’m a mother of three and I’m a wife.. I’m no where as known as you are. In fact I only really have one or two friends… My entire life, I’ve known no better than to feel the way, you have described. 

I threw my life away and turned tonweed, alcohol and constant partying.. I failed year 12 because of this., then I fell pregnant with my daighter. Things got worse, her dad and I broke up. I ended up homeless, I felt worse than what you had previously described. I want you to know Im here. 

You may never read this,our lives have already crossed paths a few times, when my family and o have come to footy matches, I think I evenhave your autograph. You’re not alone in this. I know you have your cats brothers, your family and your friends. But I’m here also. 

I’m proud of you for reaching out, I’m proud of you for trying to get better, I’m proud of you for getting up every day and surviving, I’m so darn proud of you. I’m proud of you for beating every obstacle. 

Please, keep fighting… Please. You’re an amazing bloke. You’ve got this. 


I’m sorry if none of this makes sense.